Amazing Race 7

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Episode 8 - My Thoughts

Well, not too many this week. While it was a great episode, not a lot happened. But, nonetheless, here we go:


  • "Big money, big money, no whammies, no whammies, STOP!" Seriously, if these two don't get picked up for some kind of TV show, there's something wrong with the world. I mean, these two did!
  • When the producers came up with the "take away all their posessions" rule, I don't think they thought about the possiblity of these two running across India in nothing but swimming trunks, Elvis sunglasses, and russian hats. Or China. That would have been awesome.
  • Did anyone else catch that in their "post-episode" interview, one of the brothers was wearing a Minnesota North Stars t-shirt?


  • Alex putting on clothes in the car nearly made me fall off my chair. Lynn telling him to "put my underwear on your head like a sweatband" brought me closer to the edge, and finally Phil telling him "The Fashion Police are going to come find you and arrest you in Africa" finally did me in.
  • Okay, two replacement vehicles? These two have the worst Car-ma ever. Now, a lot of people have been wondering why they got a replacement vehicle for their flat tire, as they have always said that they can be given a replacement car if it breaks down "by no fault of [the team's] own." I suppose you could technically say that it wasn't the team's fault, but rather the stick's fault. And they also probably had the choice to fix it or get a replacement car. Now, teams in the past have elected to fix it, but can any one else see Lynn and Alex trying to change a tire?


  • Okay, these two are continuing to impress. For your enjoyment, we have the old team success meter: Dave and Margaretta: Episode 4 (8th place). Peggy and Claire: Episode 3 (9th place). Teri and Ian (they don't really count but they were the oldest on their race): Finale (2nd place). Debra and Steve (again they don't really count but where the oldest median age on their race): Episode 1 (12th place). Bob and Joyce: Episode 4 (8th Place). Don and Mary Jean: Episode 5 (8th place). Meredith and Gretchen are guaranteed a 5th place or better finish. That's really, really good.
  • Did anyone else think that Gretchen's scream as they went through the "crocodile-infested waters" sound exactly like the AFLAC duck? I've found her long lost relative!
  • It takes a very tired team to drive RIGHT PAST the clue hanging off of a tree and not see it. What were you thinking?
  • It was kinda cute when Meredith called Gretchen and himself the Engergizer Bunnies. I'm sure if Gretchen had said it, she would have said another type of Bunny.
  • You gotta love it when a team is carrying their posessions around the world in a plastic garbage bag and a bright yellow shopping bag. As I said last week, at least they'll never have to check baggage.


  • Rob? Check this out. If you're milking it, it's not a boy.
  • You know Amber's been on a reality show before when she reads the clue about milking goats and her first reaction is "This will be amusing to watch". And then they do that one. 'cause it's funny.


  • Ron: "Roger that!" It has nothing on "Survive that!" and is very close to adding to your list. Bye bye.
  • Kelly: "Ron's being a drill seargent". Well, yes. But you're also dumb. Bye bye.
  • Hey, um, Kelly? I heard Ron say "Chill out a minute" While it has the same stressed syllables as "Shut the F&%* up", they are totally different words. See? You're dumb. Bye bye.
  • You know, "Carry it" was the first task ever designed for a beauty queen, and Kelly couldn't do it. See? Dumb. Bye bye.
  • Is this what you were referring to? Check back later for my rewritten version. All about YOU, Kelly.
  • How long will it be before Ron compares Kelly to downtown Baghdad?
  • I'm starting the countdown right now until Kelly pulls a Millie and gets them eliminated. Hee hee!
  • Up next for our favorite POW/Beauty Queen team: INDIA (oh, y'all know that from the previews): the killer fatigue team that leaves grown men weeping (but, well, it was Reichen), models getting dragged by cows through dung and mud, and all female contestants totally unnerved. I can't wait to see them there.


  • Dude, they got through that detour well. There's only one other team I can think of that would have given them a run for their money on it.
  • Read, people. Read. It's not like you missed the post--you just didn't take it.

You know, the milk on the lens was SO not necessary.

You know, out of the six teams on this leg, we had:

  • One didn't do the task right and had to go back
  • One missed a clue
  • One wore all the clothes
  • One wore none
  • A little piggy cried "wee wee wee" all the way home

Phil totally deserve an emmy just for keeping a straight face. And that's it for today!


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