Amazing Race 7

Monday, March 28, 2005

TAR for XX only?

This article is mainly about "The Contender" but the author makes an interesting assertion in the opening paragraph: Reality TV is edited and marketed for women. I think we all agree with the author on The Bachelor/ette, but The Amazing Race? According to him, TAR is still geared toward women because it "tends to emphasize human drama and romance over physical accomplishment and aggression." Do you agree? I think in the case of Voldemort, the line between human drama and physical agression were blurred and no women I know enjoyed watching that. As for the Contender, the last 20 minutes of each episode may be an all out bloody brawl, but much of the suspence of the show is built around the human drama of the rivalry between young men as they try to provide for their familes. Bottom line: if polling Eric's living room on premiere night is any indication of who's watching TAR, we have just as many men into it as the ladies!


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